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"Ali: Fear Eats the Soul": In order to stop being afraid, do we have to sacrifice our souls? | Movie review | Movie review

I am a very superficial person. When I found this movie and saw its title, I just thought, "Wow, what a cool title. So cool." Of course, I thought it was a horror movie, but it turned out not to be, which made me sad. (

"Fear Eats Soul Up" (German: Angst essen Seele auf, lit. 'Fear Eat Soul Up') is a 1974 German love drama. The story tells the story of a 60-year-old German woman and a 30-year-old Arab man who fall in love. Due to their identities, the discrimination and prejudice of others make their marriage life full of difficulties.

"Ali: Fear Eats the Soul"

"Ali: Fear Eats the Soul" (German: Angst essen Seele auf, lit. 'Fear Eat Soul Up') is a 1974 German love drama. The story tells the story of a 60-year-old German woman and a 30-year-old Arab man who fall in love. Due to their identities, the discrimination and prejudice of others make their marriage life full of difficulties.

The theme of this movie is "discrimination", whether it is an elderly woman who is still in love with a young man, or her identity as a cleaner who is not welcomed, or the man is an Arab immigrant, or various stereotypes related to one's own race. No matter where you go, you will be restricted from doing all kinds of ordinary things because of your identity.

The discriminatory behaviors in the film are not very dramatic, but they are behaviors you will see in daily life. The grocery store downstairs pretended not to understand the other party because he was an Arab and refused to sell him things. Because his colleague's wife was married to an Arab, he did not sit with her at lunch time, ignored the woman and kept mocking her during the conversation. The neighbor even called the police and asked the police to kick the two people out. Although there is no actual physical harm, these behaviors can make people uncomfortable.

The title of the film "Fear Eats the Soul" not only refers to the two protagonists who are afraid of others, hide themselves, and lose themselves. It can also be interpreted as people who are afraid of people they don't know and are unfamiliar with, and distort their own practice and character to do these behaviors that hurt others. It can be said that the phrase "Fear Eats the Soul" is really a wise saying.

Similar to my feelings about The Elephant Man, when I watched this movie, I just thought, "Although it was a movie made 50 years ago, people are still as ugly as they used to be." In terms of moral criticism, these two movies are not outdated, and watching them can make you reflect deeply on whether your behavior is appropriate. It is a movie worth watching.




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