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"Requiem for a Dream": The best anti-drug teaching material | Film Review | Movie Recommandation

A review of "The Nightmare Song", a 2000 American drama that tells the story of four drug addicts.

Any drug is a drug if you abuse it.

"Requiem for a Dream" is a 2000 American film that tells the story of 4 drug addicts. The desire to drastically change one's body, being involved in gangs, having fun, and accompanying others are basically all the mainstream reasons for drug abuse. The 4 people's endings are also different, but none of them are good. I like the script that does not particularly emphasize that "drug abuse is bad", but just records the situation of drug abuse very faithfully. For example, how the doctor rescued after being sent to the emergency room, and how no one will treat you as a human being after you become an addict. This kind of plain record is even more unforgettable.

A surreal expression of hallucination

I believe that the audience who have watched the movie will also have a deep impression of the close-up of the eyes when taking drugs. The expression of hallucination in this movie is more like "the character himself is not aware of it, but the audience can see that this is crazy." I really like its interpretation of hallucination.




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