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"The Beach": There is no paradise when there is people. | Film Review | Movie Recommandation

Review of "The Beach", a 2000 American feature film starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

Before traveling, everyone wants to find a "hidden" travelling spot that is fun and not crowded with tourists. I always think, "I, myself, will be the tourist visit there. If so, when the moment that I arrived, that location will not be secret anymore."

In fact, everyone knows this paradox, but people always hope that they are the lucky ones who get the benefits, and those who come after them will not get them.

But is this wrong? Want to enjoy the scenery without being disturbed by other tourists? Yes, tourists are really annoying. But I think that when you find a hidden beauty, you should also be mentally prepared that "there will be more and more tourists like you in the future." After all, the reason why tourists appear is precisely the reason why you find a hidden beauty.

"I'm going to tell you a secret, don't tell anyone."

The Beach is a 2000 American drama starring Leonardo DiCaprio. The story tells that the protagonist gets a map from a stranger. The stranger tells him the method to reach a beautiful place without tourists. Although the stranger asks him not to tell anyone, he asks a couple to go with him together, and also copies the map for two new friends.

When the protagonist arrives at the destination, he finds that it is really a paradise, with a peaceful and happy human village, so he begins to settle down there. But as time goes by, real problems begin to emerge, and his earlier actions also bring unimaginable troubles.

If the protagonist hadn't done such stupid things, would heaven be peaceful?

At first, I also thought that if there was no protagonist, heaven might be fine. But after thinking about it, I realized that even if there was no protagonist (this kind of person), heaven would be destroyed.

  • Even without the protagonist, former villagers will give away the map of heaven to other than him.

  • Even if there were no former villagers, there would be others who left heaven and returned to human society to spread the map.

  • Even if no one tells anyone, if someone gets seriously injured someday and he can't go out to see a doctor, should they call a doctor or just leave him here to die?

Heaven looks perfect, but in fact, it has not considered the problems of reality and human nature. It is only a matter of time before something goes wrong.

I really like the way the film's plot depicts various human reactions in a smooth and natural way.




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