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"The Truman Show": "The whole world conspired to deceive me." | Film Review | Movie Recommandation

Review of The Truman Show, a 1998 American science fiction comedy film.

Have you ever imagined that your life is just a TV show? I think those who often visit social media must have heard of "The Truman Show". Various clips on the Internet have also spoiled many exciting parts. To be honest, I didn't plan to watch "The Truman Show" just because I have been seeing lots of spoilers. But after watching it, I found that there are many exciting details.


This is a psychological horror movie, right?

The Truman Show is a 1998 American science fiction comedy film. It tells the story of the protagonist Truman, who has lived on a closed island for him since he was a child, and everything he has experienced is used as a 24-hour TV program to be broadcast to the world. The story revolves around how Truman discovered the anomaly around him and escaped.

Truman found that the anomalies around him were all coincidences that everyone encounters in daily life, such as "encountering an unexpected/unexplained event, and someone around him happened to explain it.", "rushing to go somewhere but the whole world is blocking you.", "just when you were about to do something, an accident happened and you were forced to cancel it." These are all very suspicious events, but they are not any actual evidence. It is easy for the audience to put themselves in Truman's shoes and doubt the recent coincidences.

In 2008, this delusion was named Truman syndrome. Patients with this syndrome usually believe that they are acting in a play or being monitored by a camera. It can be said to be a combination of persecution delusion and grandiosity delusion.


Liminal Space, is that you?

Back to the movie, I really like their city scenes, which all have a sense of familiarity but seem to be strange. My favorite scene is "opening the elevator door and seeing the crew lounge behind", which gives me the feeling of "discovering the real world".

There are many more weird scenes in the movie, but I won't mention them to avoid spoilers. Even if you know the whole plot, it's worth watching it yourself!




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