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"Pan's Labyrinth": In the war, children use fairy tales to fight against reality | Film Review | Movie Recommandation

The first time I watched this movie was because it was broadcast on TVB Pearl (Note: TVB Pearl is a Hong Kong TV channel that broadcasts foreign language programs and broadcasts foreign language movies on weekend nights). I was fooled by its appearance at that time, "Wow, a fairy tale, it must be suitable for a child like me." Then I was scared to death by a Pale Man with eyeballs in his hands.

Film review of "A Goat's Labyrinth", a 2006 fantasy war film from Spain.

The Pale Man looks like this.

The Pale Man is one of the top three monsters I was afraid of in my childhood. Now that I have grown up and watched "Pan's Labyrinth" seriously, I still don't understand why the Pearl would broadcast this film. Isn't it a bit too scary for TV broadcast...

The dark history of fairy tale packaging

"El laberinto del fauno" (English: Pan's Labyrinth) is a 2006 fantasy war film from Spain. The story is set in Spain in 1944. 11-year-old Ophelia follows her pregnant mother to live with her stepfather. The stepfather is a captain who leads his men to slaughter the remaining Republican Army. On the way to her residence, the heroine encounters a half-human, half-goat creature. It tells the heroine that she was originally a princess of the underground kingdom, and she can return to the underground kingdom as long as she completes three tasks.

The movie revolves around the three missions of the heroine and how the remaining Republican Army fights against the National Army. The three missions of the heroine actually have no direct impact on the story of the Republican Army. The three missions are more like a fairy tale metaphor for the historical background of Spain at that time.

A special effects level beyond the times

Although "Pan's Labyrinth" was a 2006 film, its special effects are still very lifelike. My favorite part is the eye demon scene and the ginseng (laughing to death).

Because the connection between the two story lines is not very obvious + it is a bit bloody, it is more recommended for older friends!




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